Depending on the surgical site or access, we distinguish between different types of cage, all of which are part of our orthopedic portfolio
- ALIF cages (anterior lumbar intersegmental fusion)
- PLIF cages (posterior lumbar intersegmental fusion)
- TLIF cages (transforaminal lumbar intersegmental fusion)
- Cervical cages for stabilizing the cervical spine
These cages (also at CPM Precision) used to be produced conventionally on CNC milling machines. Products manufactured on 3-D printers are now well established on the market. These cages offer far greater functionality and freedom of form.
Go to additive manufacturing
Implant Systems for the Replacement of Vertebral Bodies
If vertebral bodies are severely altered, affected by tumors, no longer able to handle a load because of fractures, or destroyed by inflammatory processes, they must be completely or partially replaced. For these cases, we produce adjustable vertebral replacement bodies for the chest and cervical spine.
Implants to Stabilize the Sacroiliac Joint
These implants offer a minimally invasive option for the treatment of SI joint dysfunctions caused by degenerative changes, trauma, osteoarthritis, or other conditions.
External Fixation Systems
External fixation systems are required to stabilize open or unstable fractures and for use when soft tissue injury prevents other fracture treatments. We can also manufacture these products for you.